Life on the water. Troutbitten is a deep dive into fly fishing for wild trout in wild places. Author and guide, Domenick Swentosky, shares stories, tips, tactics and conversations with friends about fly fishing through the woods and water. Explore more. Fish hard. And discover fly fishing at Troutbitten.com — an extensive resource with 1500+ articles about trout, friends, family and the river.
149 episodes
Streamer Presentations #9 -- The Tight Line Dance
The tight line dance is another collection of movements to the streamer loosely grouped together into a system or framework for covering many water types and gaining reactions from the trout. It's all about taking the advantages of a tight line...
Season 14
Episode 9

Streamer Presentations #8 -- The Crossover Technique
With episode seven of this Troutbitten Skills Series, we’ve finally come to the point where we’ve covered all the different ways to move a streamer and give it some animation. Now it’s time to put all of that together.This whole series h...
Season 14
Episode 8

Streamer Presentations #7 -- Speed Leads and Lane Changes
Speed leads happen mostly in one lane, and they go faster than their parent current. Lane changes are exactly what they sound like — the fly is traveling in one lane, and then we deliberately bring the fly over to a nearby lane and travel down ...
Season 14
Episode 7

Streamer Presentations #6 -- Jigging Styles (Slack, Contact and Pendulum Jigging)
We've covered many animations in these series. We’ve talked about the streamer head position and its direction, about cross current movement vs holding one lane. We've covered jerk strips, glides, slides, fast, slow, quick or smooth, we talked ...
Season 14
Episode 6

Streamer Presentations #5 - Give Swings a Chance
This steamer presentation is what streamer anglers probably do most — swinging the flies. From what I see on the water, what I read in articles and watch in videos, I think it’s fair to say, swinging is a pretty popular look.But it’s als...
Season 14
Episode 5

Streamer Presentations #4 - Glides and Slides
For us, streamer fishing is best when we actively and intentionally move the fly. But with glides and slides, our animations are often subtle, because sometimes these are the most natural or convincing looks.Rolling the bottom, gliding m...
Season 14
Episode 4

Streamer Presentations #3 - The Head Flip
The Head Flip is a pivot. It’s a simple change of the streamer's head angle, from down and across to up and across, or from upstream to downstream. This pivot doesn’t necessarily move the fly out of its area, but the motion might seem pretty dr...
Season 14
Episode 3

Streamer Presentations #2 - The Jerk Strip
The ability to move the fly with the rod tip and not just the line hand is a fundamental skill that opens creative options for the streamer angler.Almost two decades ago, Kelly Galloup’s first streamer book changed the way anglers though...
Season 14
Episode 2

Streamer Presentations #1 -- What We Control
This season is a ten-part Troutbitten Skill Series, all about Streamer Presentations. We've been looking forward to this one for a long time.We spend a lot of our time dead drifting dry flies and nymphs. But with streamers, we’re trying...
Season 14
Episode 1

Pre-Trip Efficiencies
We're talking about how to shorten your time at the tailgate or the trunk. Just get your waders on, your boots laced, and get to the river. It should be as simple as that, but it’s not uncommon for anglers to waste a half hour or mo...
Season 13
Episode 10

Ten Years of Troutbitten
We're here to celebrate ten years of Troutbitten.December 8th was the tenth anniversary of the first article ever published on Troutbitten. All those years ago, I never expected this Troutbitten business — this media company — to become...
Season 13
Episode 9

Brown Trout, Rainbows, Brook Trout, Cutthroat -- What's the Difference?
This discussion is about the differences between trout species. How are the habits of brown trout different than rainbow trout? Where do brook trout tend to hold and feed vs brown trout? What about cutthroat? Do they have different tendencies o...
Season 13
Episode 8

Season 13 Intermission -- Leader Shop, Videos, Podcast Plans, Books and More
For our Season 13 Intermission, my wife, Becky, joins me for a look at what's going on in the Troutbitten world. We talk about the upcoming leader sale in the Troutbitten Shop (December 6th). We talk about upcoming podcast and video plans, book...
Season 13

Why Do Some Rivers Hold Big Trout?
I fished for two decades before I finally realized that not every river, not every creek or stream has big fish. For most of my early days of fishing, I thought there was a different class of fish in some of my favorite waters that I simply nev...
Season 13
Episode 7

Why We Fish
Tonight we’re here to talk about why we fish. It’s a simple question. Why do we commit so much of our free time and efforts, our thoughts and our daydreams . . . to fishing?Why, after all these years, do we keep coming back?Why,...
Season 13
Episode 6

Barbed Hooks or Barbless? Does It Really Matter?
We’re halfway through Season 13, and tonight we have a discussion that’s been on our backburner for quite a while -- barbed hooks or barbless, and does it really matter?Should we always fish barbless? Maybe not. The answer isn’t that si...
Season 13
Episode 5

Finding Your Confidence Flies
Every angler needs a set of flies to call their own. Among the thousands of patterns, options and choices out there, eventually, we sort out a handful of confidence flies.Our faith in these flies gives us conviction when choosing them a...
Season 13
Episode 4

The Ethical Angler -- What Does That Mean?
What's right and wrong? That's what ethics really boils down to. Certainly, there are nuances about how much space to give other anglers on the river or how long we should hold a trout out of the water for a picture. But doing the right thing a...
Season 13
Episode 3

The One or Two Fly Debate, Across Fishing Styles
The Troutbitten guys are here to talk about two flies. Why do we fish two dry flies, two streamers, wets or nymphs? Why don’t we? Why might we fish with just one fly instead? Multiple fly rigs are a common solution to fishing problems, but extr...
Season 13
Episode 2

Why Do We Catch Trout In Patches?
The full Troutbitten crew is back for season thirteen. In this fall and early winter season, our theme is casual conversations. After three years of podcasting, we've recorded many episodes that go deep into the weeds on one specific topic. We'...
Season 13
Episode 1

Fishing Dry Flies -- Dry Fly Skills Series #7
For this final episode in the dry fly skills series, we work through some scenarios that anglers frequently encounter. Because, just like nymphing, fishing streamers and fishing wets, we fish dry flies for many different reasons and in many dif...
Season 12
Episode 7

Rise Forms and Hook Sets -- Dry Fly Skills Series #6
In the last couple of weeks we talked a lot about choosing the next fly, when to change, and what informs our decision about what to change to — basically, how do we develop that next theory about what fly, water type and presentation sty...
Season 12
Episode 6

All About the Flies -- Dry Fly Skills Series #5
Here we are at the part of the season where we address everybody’s favorite question — what fly are you using?We’ve argued for years that the leader is the most consequential element in the system — much more important than the fly. Tha...

Casting and Mending -- Dry Fly Skills Series #4
Our discussion here is about casting dry flies, and that’s where all good fly casting starts. With a dry fly, there’s no weight at the end of the line to help us out. No split shot, no tungsten bead, conehead or bobber. Refining the dry fly str...
Season 12
Episode 4

Catching Up, With Leader Sales, Videos and Troutbitten Plans
For our Season 12 Intermission, my wife, Becky, joins me for a lighthearted look at what's going on in the Troutbitten world. We talk about the upcoming leader sale in the Troutbitten Shop (August 21). We talk about the New Trail Troutbitten be...
Season 12