Life on the water. Troutbitten is a deep dive into fly fishing for wild trout in wild places. Author and guide, Domenick Swentosky, shares stories, tips, tactics and conversations with friends about fly fishing through the woods and water. Explore more. Fish hard. And discover fly fishing at Troutbitten.com — an extensive resource with 1500+ articles about trout, friends, family and the river.
How Woodsmanship Catches Fish
There's an intangible quality built into the best anglers. It's about being comfortable and natural around the water. It's about having an instinct and a guiding intuition on a river that informs decision without even giving it much thought. It's an innate knowledge of the environment and what will happen next. Knowledge of the woods, water, weather and the trout comes together with ease and adds up to something that is hard to identify.
In this episode, we call it woodsmanship, outdoorsmanship, riversmithing and being river smart. Some might just call it being fishy.
Regardless of the word to identify this quality, it's something every angler wants. This episode is about what it is and how to attain it.
READ: Troutbitten | Fish Hard
READ: Troutbitten | It's All About Time on the Water
READ: Troutbitten | Life on the Water
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